“Cyberpunk: Peach John,” the inaugural AI-generated manga from Japan, has elicited a spectrum of reactions. Some hail it as a revolutionary milestone in manga’s chronicle due to its pioneering application of artificial intelligence for crafting complex artwork swiftly. However, others express apprehension regarding the influence of AI on conventional manga production, including potential job risks and copyright complications. Rootport, the creator of the manga who confesses to lacking artistic skills, utilized AI instruments such as Midjourney to generate detailed illustrations from text cues, accomplishing the over-100-page manga within a mere six weeks. A segment of critics applauds the amalgamation of AI technology and narrative artistry; conversely, some challenge the artistic authenticity and originality inherent in AI-produced art versus traditional hand-drawn manga. Despite these debates, Rootport is optimistic that AI technology can augment human imagination in manga production and possibly enhance artists’ work environments.