What is the plot of Cyberpunk: Peach John?

What is the plot of Cyberpunk: Peach John?

“Cyberpunk: Peach John” is a narrative set in a dystopian future, where the protagonist is none other than the Japanese folk hero, Momotaro. This story unfolds in an environment heavily influenced by science fiction. The brain behind this unique concept is Rootport, who despite not being adept at drawing, managed to bring his vision to life using artificial intelligence. Specifically, he used an AI tool named Midjourney to create all the futuristic visuals seen in the manga.

Rootport’s approach involved providing text prompts to guide the AI in creating detailed illustrations for this extensive manga that spans over 100 pages. The resulting narrative marries traditional Japanese folklore with cyberpunk elements, offering readers a distinctive blend of human storytelling and AI-generated artistry.