What are the benefits and limitations of text summarization?

What are the benefits and limitations of text summarization?

Pros and Cons of Text Summarization


  • Efficiency: The process of text summarization lessens the time and energy required to dissect extensive texts, facilitating rapid understanding of essential points.
  • Productivity: This method boosts the effectiveness of data analysis, communication, and result presentation.
  • Extraction of Insights: It assists in deriving crucial insights and patterns from vast amounts of data, supporting decision-making processes.
  • Management of Information Overload: It proves beneficial in condensing copious amounts of text, enabling swift insight generation and decision-making.


  • Challenges with Accuracy: Guaranteeing precision across diverse content categories such as legal and medical material remains a challenge.
  • Subjectivity and Bias: The task of summarizing subjective emotional text and addressing biases in algorithms presents difficulties.
  • Preservation of Context: There is complexity in maintaining context and meaning, particularly when dealing with ambiguous language like sarcasm.
  • Quality Assurance: Ensuring accurate, coherent, relevant, and useful summaries can pose challenges.

In conclusion, while text summarization provides considerable advantages like efficiency, productivity, and insight extraction, it also brings forth issues related to accuracy, subjectivity, preservation of context, and quality assurance. Striking a balance between these elements is vital for effective text summarization.