What are some examples of decentralized AI in use today?

What are some examples of decentralized AI in use today?

Decentralized AI represents a novel approach to artificial intelligence, where AI computation and decision-making processes are distributed across multiple nodes. This enhances the privacy, security, and transparency of data. Presently, there are several examples that illustrate the application of decentralized AI:

  1. Ocean Protocol: This open-source project is a prime example of how AI is being integrated into Web3, providing a glimpse into the future of decentralized AI.

  2. SingularityNET: This program combines blockchain and AI technologies to improve smart contract testing and foster collaboration.

  3. Terra0: This instance of decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) employs AI agents for managerial decisions like distributing royalties and subscription payments.

These examples highlight how decentralized AI models are being leveraged to encourage collaboration, transparency, and innovation while addressing challenges related to centralized AI systems.