What are some examples of cognitive assistance in everyday life?

What are some examples of cognitive assistance in everyday life?

Examples of cognitive support in our daily routines encompass aid with everyday activities such as eating, bathing, grooming, walking, dressing, moving from one place to another, and using the restroom. Those who care for individuals suffering from cognitive impairments may also lend a hand with tasks like managing finances, shopping for groceries, and personal hygiene activities. Engaging and meaningful tasks for people living with dementia can vary from routine chores like cooking and cleaning to more interactive activities such as communicating with family or friends.

The development of robots enabled by cognition is underway to provide assistance in caregiving and day-to-day life by leveraging cognitive and communicative abilities, skills related to movement, autonomous navigation capabilities among others. The goal of these technologies is to offer support and help to individuals across various facets of their daily lives.