Using AI and data for predictive planning and supply chain

Why should you watch this video?

IBM’s Chief AI Officer, Seth Dobrin, unveils how AI-driven predictive planning and demand forecasting are revolutionizing business operations and enhancing customer experiences through real-time data integration.

Key Points:

  • The video highlights the power of AI in transforming businesses by enabling predictive planning and efficient operations through the integration of vast volumes of real-time internal and external data.
  • It showcases a real-world application at a Danish festival where AI utilizes data from smart wristbands for cashless payments, offering insights into consumer behavior and improving festival management.
  • The discussion also touches on the challenges of data accessibility and privacy, emphasizing the need for data anonymization to protect consumer information while still leveraging it for predictive AI applications.

Broader Context

Seth Dobrin’s insights provide a glimpse into the future of AI in supply chain management, where businesses leverage AI and data fabrics to predict and meet consumer demand more accurately. The video illustrates the delicate balance between harnessing vast data sets for operational efficiency and ensuring consumer privacy.


  1. How does AI contribute to predictive planning in supply chain management?
    • AI facilitates predictive planning by analyzing internal and external data sources in real time, enabling businesses to anticipate demand fluctuations and adjust their supply chain accordingly.

  2. What are the challenges of using AI and data for predictive planning?
    • The main challenges include ensuring data accessibility across silos for comprehensive analysis and protecting consumer privacy by anonymizing personal data used in AI models.

  3. How can businesses ensure privacy while using consumer data for AI?
    • Businesses can maintain privacy by anonymizing customer data, removing all identifiable information before analysis, allowing for secure and responsible innovation with AI.

Deep Dive

This segment would further explore the technical and ethical considerations in implementing AI for predictive planning, focusing on the importance of creating a data fabric that seamlessly integrates diverse data sources while ensuring robust data privacy practices.

Future Scenarios and Predictions

The future of AI in supply chain and predictive planning points towards more sophisticated AI models that can handle increasingly complex data sets, offering more accurate forecasts and operational efficiencies. The evolution of privacy-enhancing technologies will play a critical role in enabling these advancements.

Inspiration Sparks

Consider how your organization might employ AI and predictive analytics to improve operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. Reflect on the balance between leveraging consumer data for insights and maintaining stringent data privacy standards to foster trust and innovation.