The power and potential of AI in insurance claims

The video discusses the future of vehicle insurances in a world increasingly leaning towards automation. Despite the density and travel frequency of cars not showing marked changes, advances in car autonomy are expected to reduce accident frequency. The costly aspect would be car repairs due to the integration of sophisticated electronics. Preparing for 2030 involves adopting a digital, mobile-first platform with strong real-time data connectivity. The quality of this data will improve as many procedures will become AI-assisted, leaving human workers to offer emotional support in traumatic situations. This focus on employing AI will divert resources from routine paperwork for better customer service. This emphasis on AI has seen companies invest in AI and related fields. However, AI alone doesn’t suffice; it must improve the way stakeholders interact with their customers. Multiple AI models are in operation, and more are in the pipeline, meant to solve specific issues as part of an overall solution.