SEO Is A Waste Of Time in 2024

Why should you watch this video?

Discover why traditional SEO is deemed ineffective in 2024, learn about the groundbreaking strategy poised to replace it, and find out how to easily embark on a journey towards achieving unprecedented results that SEO could never offer.

Key Points

The video elucidates a significant shift in SEO practices for 2024, driven by AI’s emergence, rendering traditional SEO strategies obsolete. It emphasizes the challenges AI introduces, such as the automation of content creation and the difficulty in obtaining backlinks, which diminishes the effectiveness of SEO for small businesses. The presenter shares a personal anecdote from starting a web design agency to illustrate SEO’s limitations in generating sales, highlighting a new approach that focuses on leveraging YouTube over Google due to its dual role in marketing and sales, enhancing the no-like-trust factor significantly.

Broader Context

This shift in SEO strategy mirrors broader technological advancements and changes in consumer behavior, underscoring the importance of adapting to new digital marketing landscapes. The transition from traditional SEO to prioritizing video content on platforms like YouTube reflects an adaptation to the growing preference for video over text and the unique challenges posed by AI in content saturation and link-building efforts.


  1. Why is traditional SEO becoming ineffective in 2024?

    • AI advancements are automating content creation, fulfilling user queries directly, and making it harder to stand out or obtain valuable backlinks, undermining traditional SEO strategies.
  2. What is the proposed alternative to traditional SEO?

    • The video suggests shifting focus from Google to YouTube as a primary platform for visibility, leveraging video content to enhance marketing and sales through increased engagement and trust.
  3. How does YouTube surpass Google in terms of marketing effectiveness?

    • YouTube videos foster a stronger connection with audiences by accelerating the know-like-trust cycle, making calls-to-action more effective and converting viewers into clients more efficiently than traditional SEO.

Deep Dive

The concept of “video as salesperson” is explored, illustrating how each video serves as a perpetual marketing tool that attracts clients continuously. This analogy underscores the value of video content in building lasting pathways to a business, offering a stark contrast to the transient nature of SEO-driven blog posts on Google.

Future Scenarios and Predictions

The evolving landscape of digital marketing is likely to see a significant pivot towards video content, with YouTube leading as a primary platform for businesses seeking to establish a genuine connection with their audience. As AI continues to influence SEO practices, the unique human element of video content will become even more valuable in distinguishing and elevating brands above the noise.

Inspiration Sparks

Consider a marketing strategy where your business’s unique story and value proposition are shared through engaging video content on YouTube, creating a series that not only informs but also entertains your target audience. How might this approach transform your relationship with potential clients and differentiate your brand in a crowded market?