Nvidia Automotive VP discusses supercomputing and creating an AI brain in the car

The VP of Automotive at Nvidia, Danny Shakibaian, shared the company’s focus on AI Supercomputing for automated and autonomous driving at the GTC 2024 event. They announced a new platform named Blackwell, which aims to enhance generative AI for transformation within the automotive industry. The AI can convert data streams for use in vehicles, including cars, trucks, or robo-taxis, and help in the development of autonomous vehicles. Generative AI is anticipated to be beneficial for simulation testing and validating autonomous vehicles. Potentially, it can alert drivers about real-time situations, like jaywalking or a baby stroller crossing the street.

In partnership with BYD, the world’s largest EV maker, Nvidia will provide AI brain for their future vehicle fleets. The partnership also includes the use of Nvidia AI for training self-driving cars, simulation planning in factories using Nvidia Omniverse, robotic stacks in car production with Nvidia Isaac Sim, and even retail experiences. Nvidia’s AI technologies can create digital twins of the car model, altering its location for a more immersive car buying experience. Danny Shakibaian anticipates that their AI-equipped cars will improve over time with software updates, regularly introducing new features, and driving modes.