How to Write a Book with AI in 2024 (2 Best Methods)

How to Write a Book with AI in 2024

In this video, Jason, an author and host of the The Nerdy Novelist YouTube channel, addresses the utilization of AI in the book-writing process. Contrary to the fear that AI could usurp human authors, he showcases AI as a supportive tool that enhances, rather than replaces, the writer’s craft.

AI Applications in Writing

Jason breaks down the use of AI into several key areas:


  • AI Tool: Claude
  • Function: Generates ideas, such as news stories, that can inspire a detective story plot.


  • Technique: Fractal Technique
  • Function: Starts with a basic idea and expands it into a detailed outline with AI’s help.

Writing the Prose

  • Methods:
    1. One section at a time: Offers more control using tools like Novel Crafter.
    2. Entire chapter at once: Utilizes advanced AI like Claude 2.0 with super prompts for a quicker process but requires detailed instructions about characters, setting, and style.


  • Function: AI aids in gathering accurate historical details for the book.

Jason emphasizes that AI is not a silver bullet for achieving publishable results but a valuable resource for overcoming writer’s block and smoothing over difficult parts of the writing process.

AI and the Future of Writing

Referring to the outcome of the 2023 writers’ strike, Jason reassures viewers that AI is agreed upon as a tool in the hands of authors, not a replacement. This video serves as a comprehensive guide for writers interested in leveraging AI to enhance their writing process, complete with specific recommendations for tools and techniques.