How to use Coolors to generate color palettes?

How to use Coolors to generate color palettes?

To utilize Coolors for creating color palettes, adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. Navigate to and initiate the automatic generation of color palettes by hitting the spacebar.
  2. If you have a source image that inspires you, upload it by tapping on the small camera symbol, which allows you to pick individual colors from your uploaded picture.
  3. In case you already possess specific color codes, they can be directly inputted into the website.
  4. The overall tone of your palette can be altered by clicking on the “Adjust Palette” sun symbol and manipulating the sliders to modify your chosen colors.
  5. Individual colors can be adjusted by selecting a color after clicking on the “View” icon, then opting for “View more color info” from the three-dot menu.
  6. To further fine-tune your palette, consider modifying saturation, brightness, and temperature using the palette adjustment tool.
  7. Coolors provides functionality for creating, saving, exporting, and organizing an unlimited number of palettes, colors, and gradients.

By adhering to these instructions, you’ll find it straightforward to generate and tailor-make color palettes with Coolors that align with your design requirements.