Examples of AI and IoT in use today?

Examples of AI and IoT in use today?

Current Applications of AI and IoT

Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)

  • Overview: The integration of AI in IIoT contributes to the reduction of maintenance expenses and the optimization of industrial operations.

Healthcare Sector

  • Overview: In healthcare, AI and IoT play a crucial role in disease prediction, suggesting preventive strategies, and improving drug delivery methods.

Intelligent Homes

  • Overview: Smart homes benefit from AI by enhancing automation, adjusting settings according to user preferences and interactions with household items.

Robotic Vacuum Cleaners

  • Overview: Robotic vacuum cleaners such as iRobot Roomba employ AI for effective cleaning routines and self-docking capabilities for recharging purposes.

Mapping and Navigation Tools

  • Overview: Travel is made more efficient through applications like Google Maps that utilize AI to provide real-time directions.

Facial Identification and Recognition Systems

  • Overview: Security systems and surveillance applications leverage AI for facial recognition purposes.

Text Editing or Autocorrect Features

  • Overview: Text editors and messaging apps use AI algorithms to detect language mistakes and suggest appropriate corrections.

Self-driving Vehicles

  • Overview: Technologies like 5G, edge processing, sensors, and computer vision enable autonomous vehicles through the application of AI in IoT.

These examples illustrate the wide-ranging uses of AI and IoT across various sectors including healthcare, intelligent homes, industrial processes, navigation tools, security systems, and autonomous vehicles.