Can AI Fix The U.S. Healthcare System?

Artificial Intelligence (AI), despite its potential, won’t be able to single-handedly repair the US healthcare system, according to John Guttag, Prof, CSAIL & EECS MIT. Instead, it should be seen as a tool that could significantly improve the delivery and efficiency of care. The expert suggests that the key issue lies with access to quality care for all citizens. A solution proposed is predictive models, often driven by AI, that can help provide the right treatment from the right provider at a desirable cost. Focusing on provider selection, machine learning models can be utilized to match patients with providers based on their individual needs rather than generic rankings. Preliminary studies support the efficacy of AI models, showing notable improvements in patient outcomes in various specialties compared to traditional methods. Indeed, despite the necessity of tailored healthcare delivery, AI can be leveraged at scale to improve the healthcare system.