AI meets agriculture with new farm machines to kill weeds and harvest crops

The video discusses how artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing farming practices; specifically, it highlights a robot that eliminates weeds on an organic farm. This $1.2 million machine, capable of doing the work of 30 people continuously for 24 hours, differentiates between different types of plants and weeds on the farm and destroys the weeds with lasers. This advanced AI system is able to identify 40 types of crops and 80 types of weeds.

The robotic weeder, equipped with more computing power than 24 Teslas, reportedly pays for itself within a year and addresses farmer’s biggest challenge - finding reliable workers. Paul Mikesell, the CEO of Carbon Robotics who invented this system, mentions this technology isn’t just about eliminating weeds, but ‘harvesting’ useful data to support future agricultural predictions. This is just one of multiple ways AI is being integrated into farming operations. However, concerns remain from labour unions about AI potentially displacing traditional labor force.