How AI Could Empower Any Business | Andrew Ng | TED

Andrew NG champions the cause of making artificial intelligence (AI) accessible to all in this video, drawing a parallel between the universalization of literacy and the potential widespread use of AI. Highlighting the story of a pizza store owner faced with weekly food waste, Andrew illustrates how AI can offer practical solutions to everyday problems, debunking the myth that AI necessitates vast datasets. The real barrier for small businesses is the high cost of AI expertise. To overcome this, the speaker advocates for a paradigm shift towards data-centric AI system development, enabling individuals without coding skills to build AI tools.

By using straightforward examples, like a bakery owner teaching an AI to recognize bread quality through photos, Andrew outlines a vision for a future where AI technology empowers every stratum of society. This democratization, he argues, could redistribute the wealth AI generates, breaking the monopoly of tech giants and fostering a more equitable global economy.