
Crisp | United States | 2018 | $61.2M

Crisp is a collaborative commerce platform in the United States that connects data between retailers, distributors, and brands to power real-time insights across the supply chain. The company provides a platform that uses data available to create precise forecasts for suppliers, food brands, retailers, and distributors in order to optimize profitability and drive production efficiency. Crisp ingests and transforms raw data from retailer and distributor portals into clean, organized data that can be leveraged for various applications, such as merchandising, supply chain, and marketing. The platform integrates data across clouds and on-premise systems, enabling companies to access the latest real-time data. Crisp has partnered with Seek and Snowflake to provide CPG brands with increased insights to address out-of-stocks and inventory forecasting, and the company’s solutions are used by hundreds of leading CPG brands.

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