Outrider AI

Outrider AI

https://www.outrider.ai | United States | 2017 | $200.25M

Outrider is a company in the United States that develops autonomous yard operations systems for logistics hubs. The company’s AI-driven autonomous yard management system is designed to help manage extremely fluid yard operations, performing fully autonomous, zero-emission trailer moves, including hitching, backing, trailer brake line connection, and yard inventory tracking. Outrider’s perception technology uses a multi-modal sensor platform and deep learning models to identify and anticipate the trajectories of various actors in the yard, enabling the system to work side-by-side with human operators and improve safety and efficiency. The company has raised $118 million in funding and has partnered with large, logistics-dependent enterprises, and its latest autonomy kit enables the transformation of Class 8 battery-electric yard trucks into fully autonomous vehicles.

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