
Augury | United States | 2011 | $294M

Augury is a pioneer in AI-driven Machine Health solutions based in the United States. The company’s machine health AI predicts machine failures and prescribes exactly when and how to correct them. Augury’s solutions use wireless sensors to connect rotating equipment across industrial facilities, securely transmitting mechanical data to the cloud for analysis by Augury’s proprietary AI. The company offers two main solutions: Machine Health for Critical Assets (MH CR) and Machine Health for Supporting Equipment (MH SE), which together cover the majority of a manufacturer’s rotating asset fleet. Augury’s prescriptive insights are delivered directly to maintenance/reliability personnel and manufacturing operations in real-time, helping customers avoid downtime, increase capacity, optimize asset care costs, and accelerate digital transformation. The company has been recognized for its innovative AI-driven solutions, including being named the Global Company of the Year in the industrial analytics solutions industry by Frost & Sullivan.

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