
Momenta | China | 2016 | $1283M

Momenta is an autonomous driving company based in Beijing, China that aims to build the ‘brains’ for autonomous vehicles. The company has raised over $1 billion in funding from strategic investors, including major automakers like SAIC, GM, Toyota, and Bosch, as well as other investors. Momenta’s deep learning-based software covers perception, HD mapping, and data-driven path planning to enable full autonomy. The company pursues a two-pronged strategy, developing autonomous driving solutions for both mass-production passenger vehicles (Mpilot) and full autonomy (MSD) for mobility service vehicles. Momenta partners with existing automakers, such as BYD and SAIC Motor, to integrate its autonomous driving technology into their vehicle platforms and leverage their data. The company has also launched autonomous robotaxi test rides in Shanghai in partnership with SAIC Mobility.

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