
Inworld | United States | 2021 | $120M

Inworld AI is a platform dedicated to crafting AI-driven virtual characters and gameplay for games, virtual worlds, and other immersive experiences. Key features of Inworld AI include:

AI Engine for Games Inworld offers a sophisticated AI engine that empowers developers to create dynamic NPCs (non-player characters) and evolving game worlds responsive to player actions.

Character Creation Creators can design AI characters with distinct personalities, backstories, and behaviors using natural language descriptions and intuitive controls.

Integration Capabilities Inworld provides comprehensive SDKs for popular game engines like Unity and Unreal, ensuring seamless integration of AI characters into various games and experiences.

Real-time Interactions The Inworld Engine facilitates real-time gameplay mechanics, enabling AI characters to respond dynamically to player actions and decisions.

Voice AI The platform features expressive and natural voice AI capabilities for text-to-speech and dynamic voice performances.

Developer Tools Inworld Studio offers tools for creating, testing, and iterating AI characters, including sharing characters and testing them in VR environments.

Applications Inworld’s technology is versatile, finding use in gaming, virtual worlds, training simulations, and customer service applications.

Founded in 2021, Inworld AI has garnered significant investment and support from leading investors such as Kleiner Perkins, CRV, and Meta. The company’s mission is to enhance immersive and interactive experiences by providing tools to develop sophisticated AI-powered virtual characters.

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